Taking in the River View From Both Banks
MAYBE it was the sun dancing on the water or the Statue of Liberty looking so majestic or the ferries making their way to and fro. I was dazzled by the views that two buildings — one in Jersey City, the other in Battery Park City — will have in common.
EPA Issues Wetlands Rules
The Bush administration announced requirements Monday that would encourage developers to compensate for the destruction of wetlands or streams by paying for the restoration or creation of wetlands elsewhere, sometimes many miles away.
Editorial: Saying No to Broadwater
Here is our position on Broadwater, the quarter-mile-long floating energy barge in Long Island Sound that could supply New York and Connecticut with a billion cubic feet of natural gas a day
Circle Line, on Foot
Q. As springtime walking weather approaches, I am reminded that it was once possible to circle Manhattan Island on foot. Is it still possible?
On the Waterfront: Brooklyn Bridge Park
No one should fear that Brooklyn Bridge Park will be an empty place. The public desire to be on this extraordinary waterfront is overwhelming.
Museum hopes for historic ships on Pier 15
In the city’s popular East River waterfront redevelopment project, Pier 15 has become a lightning rod of sorts.
Museum looks to save ship by selling some
One year ago, the South Street Seaport Museum was on the verge of closing.
Industrial past key to future W. Chelsea historic district
In 1912, much like today, West Chelsea experienced a building boom.
Partnership and CampGroup eye a partnership at Pier 40
With another benchmark date in the Pier 40 redevelopment process occurring this week, the Hudson River Park Trust appears to have radically changed its thinking on the critical Lower West Side pier.
NYC Watertrail on the Web
Now featured on www.goingcoastal.org
- NYC Watertrail Map & Guide
- Manhattan Circumnavigation Paddling Safety Map
- New York Harbor Blueway Interactive Map via Google Maps
- Resource directory
- Photo Gallery
- Top Ranking Kayak Destinations in NYC